Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Seriously... this what my life has been reduced to???

So yesterday my son brought home his school pictures and after I looked at them I took a shot of the picture to text to his dad.  This is something I have always done if they are with me when the pix come home from school.  I also do this with awards and other school stuff if it happens to come home with them when they are with me.  Let me preface the text exchange I am about to share with the fact that I served my children's father with Child Support papers a few weeks ago and things have been a bit tense between us ever since.  I will shed some more light on that situation in a minute.

So here is how the text exchange went down, Me being 'A' and him being 'F':
A:            (text a photo of our son’s school picture)
F:            How many pictures are in there
A:            8.
F:            8 what size
A:            2  5x6, 8 wallets and 4  3 x 5
F:            If you want any you need to go to kinkos and make copies
A:            Excuse me?
A:            We usually split them.  Why do u need all of those?
F:            Those aren’t urs.  Those are mine  I paid for them
A:            U never consulted me when u ordered them so I cld have ordered some for me
F:            I have a big family
F:            That’s not my problem.  Like I said go to kinkos and make copies
A:            It is ur problem.  U never consulted me when u ordered them
A:            So this time I will go to kinkos….next year u need to consult me.  And I will want
                copies of missys too when she gets hers
A:            You owe me $11 for new pom poms
F:            I don’t need to talk u anything.  If u want to go to kinkos or give me $20 for the
                pictures and I will go to kinkos and I will make copies for myself
A:            When it comes to things school related you do need to ask me. C’mon…
A:            How much were the pictures for each kid?
F:            And u owe me $3000 for medical
A:            I asked u for copies of those bills to get u reimbursed
A:            And I am fairly certain u will be asking me for half of activities going forward so just
                being fair
F:            Now u want to start being fair?  You owe me a lot of $$$$
A:            I am trying to be fair whether u think so or not
A:            I asked what I owed u for.  You said medical and I asked for copies of bills
A:            How much were the school pix?
F:            $40
A:            Ok.  Can I give you $20 for half?
F:            No those pictures are mine and u can make copies if u want.  Those pictures are
                spoken for already
A:            Ok
A:            But next year please ask before u order school pic.  I wld consult u
Since serving him with the Child Support papers he is claiming I owe him for medical expenses for the kids for the past 5 years and he has apparently kept meticulous records for every single thing he has paid for and me being the naive one that I am I have not kept records of everything I have paid for.  So he is actually claiming I OWE HIM!!!  It almost laughable!!!  Here I am a single mom trying to make ends meet and he is re-married with a dual income and his new wife gets Child Support for her daughter.  So while they go on vacation a few times a year (Mexico, Vegas, Disneyland with the kids), remodel bathrooms, buy new cars and eat out a few nights a week, I am wondering how to make the mortgage payment, pay utilities and make sure we have enough left over for groceries...let alone go out to dinner!  It's just mind-boggling!!!
Anyhow, I cannot believe he is sinking so low as to not let me have a school picture of either of my children because HE paid for them.  But had he told me when he sent the order form back to school I would have ordered some for myself and gave him the money.  But UGGGHHHHH....that is not even the point!  The point is that he is getting so petty about this sh!t and I knew this was going to happen as soon as I filed and served those papers.  Hell ,it is part of the reason I waited so long to file them in the first place...I didn't want to have to deal with the fall out!
Well, HERE WE GO....
Kisses - A

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